
safe environment的意思

safe environment

  • 网络安全环境;安全的环境;环境安全


  • 1.It seems to me that experimenting in a safe environment is one of the key, enduring, almost definitive features of all play.


  • 2.KM: Not to repeat myself but again, it is a very safe environment to feel safe to take risks and be open to one another.


  • 3.For a start, there must be convenient transportation and a clean, safe environment for all athletes and spectators.


  • 4.We need a safe environment where cool heads from both sides can start the long process of searching for a middle ground.


  • 5.Expression of suppressed emotions, at least in a safe environment, may help release Zone 9 stress.


  • 6.Talking about rape in a safe environment with the help and support of a trained professional is the best way to ensure long-term healing.


  • 7.I expect the hotel to provide a secure and safe environment for myself and my belongings with the utmost respect for my privacy.


  • 8.Everyone has the right to work for a fair wage in a safe environment and to join a trade union.


  • 9.Mr Li has stressed that he would invest anywhere with a safe environment and sound legal system.


  • 10.New Zealand has an international reputation as a provider of quality education in a safe environment in a safe country.



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  • drive taxi 网络 驾驶出租车
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